Conoce las empresas que abarcan a nuestra plataforma digital de maquillaje profesional.
7 Companies
4 Companies in
(Company, Studio, Academy, Makeupgram)
3 Growing companies and new services 2024
(Company, A cademy, Studio )
1 Company developing new launches: digital templates
(Makeupgram )
3 Companies in development
(Krown, K arefully, Pinkstick )
I discovered my true passion and mission by merging my two professional careers, with the opportunity to offer new innovative physical and digital resources for all of us who love the professional makeup industry.
Krown Makeup Tools
KMT is our virtual store of professional makeup tools, which cover all the areas that a professional makeup artist requires. Coming soon 2025!
Karefully and Pinkstick
Conscious makeup and virtual innovation and technologies for professional makeup.
Coming soon 2026!